Thursday, October 28, 2010


So here's the thing, each group had to come up with a unique theme for their calender and after a sufficient amount of brainstorming we decided to go with a "Horror theme"... but wait not just any horror theme...we are picking famous characters from the Horror movie scene to make sure our calender design gives you chills and memories of year you will never forget!!!! hahaha...yup that's right and to make it even more scary we're designing the calender for the year 2012...the end of the world [(so they say) incase anyone out there doesn't really know what the hype around 2012  is]
coming up with the devious yet creative idea...hehehe

Well we all seem comfortable with this theme and hope you won't(hehehe)...that is if you did then we wouldn't have achieved our goal...wish us luck and stay tuned for more

discussing and agreeing on the theme


  1. i really hope we get followers very soon for our blog coz i don't fancy the idea of talking to empty cyber space.

  2. me neither, I got one follower in my blog and thats you =P
