Thursday, January 13, 2011



I used the great Freddy Kruger an amazing character with impressive images. but i chose this one ..(above)
i already had a way of connecting my calender template to the image in the background. i wanted to make it look like he was holding the calender. so step one was to stretch his sharp metallic fingers.

 after stretching the the metallic fingers i then had to find a way of realistically making the fingers hold the template so i came up with the idea of making a screw hole through the calender with the idea that Freddy's fingers go through. so i got an image of a screw hole and duplicated it used a little bit of my composting techniques, some masking,blend modes and  i had that in check. below are the images of the screw hole image.

now the dates and day template.,

this template was one of the most challenging achievements, we agreed to have a different template from each group member so we can see which would appear better. it is amazing how everyone came up with a really brilliant idea but unfortunately not ll could be used and to be honest i don't even know the criteria we used to chose this one!! below is the template image.

the template was made by our leader and distributed as a psd file so all we had to do was replace the dates with those that suited our months. so i did exactly that and then took on my challenge of blending the image with the template, i must say i tried a whole lot of sleepless nights, no kidding!! below is an image of my first attempt to compost all these images to come up with a calender looking like result..

i tilted the template a little bit and  then blended the screw holes in the sides for Freddy's fingers to got through. i added a chisel hard bevel on the texture in the template to create that sort of hard edge on the template. (i also added a  a torn edge brush to create some kind of uncommon effect but we had to drop it and make something uniform) see below!!

we finally came up with a specific size for the template and a specific way for it to look. it was to stand straight and we had to make it look like the background and the template are together!! by now its clear we haven't tackled the year, we also found a place for it at the bottom of the template and reduced its opacity,so i came up with this result,,

it was not that bad, but i then came up with a boarder to just have a simple horror like effect using Freddy's finger gloves,, and i just had to stop there because i was about to start spoiling the work!!hahaha i was happy about it being a first time photoshop user. and finally this is what i came up with,,

                                   and that is what i handed in for the month of November!!

i must say i had a zillion ideas for December that con and could have possibly clouded my judgment and this is funny but what i used for consultation is not what i used finally. but fine this is what i did finally. my final image from the movie Texas chainsaw massacre.

i flipped the image horizontally to create uniformity since all the months where supposed to have the image on the left. not a lot was done to the image itself except of course a few color corrections here and there for it seemed just perfect for idea!!

i straight away replaced the dates in the template and i was all set to work on making the magic happen. the general steps were much simpler since i had already been through them in the November month.  now i am going to explain the few dramatic things i put to make a rather dramatic month. first, i had them both on on one a4 size page,,

after having them together, it was now time to add some drama, i got a roots image to connect it to the trees in the back ground and make it look like the the month template is behind them, here is the image i used.

i masked in very carefully and although i did not exactly get the best roots for the effect, at least these tried to work..  here is what i made out out them,,,

a protruding root from behind the template. and it was really looking good to me... so to even make it more appealing i added another set of roots which appeared below and above the template, as shown in the image below,

so i added the roots at the bottom and it really added some depth into the appearance of the template!! but finally i also did the same at the top and the effect was evenly distributed around the whole composition. i also added a lens flare right next to the template on the left to depict a sunset and everything in the end came out just like this....

           and that is what i came up with!!!
                PETER NIWAGABA 



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